This guide to the tender procurement procedure attracts together numerous past articles to give you a complete comprehension of the tendering process.

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This guide to the tender procurement procedure attracts together numerous past articles to give you a complete comprehension of the tendering process.

Hopefully, it will enable you to become more effective along with your tender bids!

The Stages associated with the Tender Procurement Process

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The chart below shows the various steps that form a normal tendering procedure for the contract that is large. Smaller value agreements could be simpler.

Form Procurement Team

The procurement team will involve typically:

  • Procurement
  • The spending plan owner
  • Other people tangled up in handling the agreement
  • Perhaps representatives from safety and health, hr, quality administration etc.

TIP: the bigger the worthiness of this agreement, the bigger the procurement group usually involving management that is senior. Additionally, the tendering procedure gets to be more drawn away. Similar pertains to purchases that are high-profile.

As an example, a tremendously contract that is high-value or one which involves contracting away the very first time, will frequently include a big group (including directors). And it surely will have complete tender procedure (as shown when you look at the chart). Conversely, smaller agreements might have a much easier tender procurement procedure. The truth is this within the sector that is public. Greater value agreements should be promoted. Smaller jobs could be let with a mini-tender.

Develop Tender & Evaluation Criteria

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The procurement team then agree what the tender shall include eg:

  • Specification or basic requirement
  • Provider requirements and mandatory requirements (eg ISO criteria)
  • Concerns
  • Tender guidelines or guidelines
  • Assessment requirements ( just just just how it should be scored e.g. 60% quality / 40% cost)
  • Contract (e.g. one-off, term or framework)
  • The tender procurement process ( e.g. PQQ or perhaps not)

Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) or Tender Long-List

This really is an initial selection procedure to greatly help sift possible companies for suitability. It really is utilized to attract a long-list of bidders become invited to tender. This phase regarding the tender procedure might be by invite or available to everybody ( ag e.g. general general public sector tenders tenders).

The certification phase might take the type of an authorized supplier list, a screening that is initial or an official PQQ (questionnaire to evaluate against minimum needs). Some tenders include areas of the PQQ inside the tender consequently eliminating this phase.

UK sector that is public no longer work with a PQQ unless the contract value is quite high. A supplier has replaced it Questionnaire (SQ). SQs are easier and therefore are included in the tender papers.

Issue Tender

The invitation to tender (ITT) is granted to your long-list of chosen bidders. A set can be involved by the ITT of concerns to answer along side a rates matrix. Instead maybe it’s less formal just asking the bidder to submit a proposition and an amount.

Public sector and corporates have a tendency to use ITTs that is formal especially for higher-value tenders.

e-tenders are actually the absolute most common means of tendering.

Tender Briefing Meeting

It is really not unusual for the tender procurement panel to keep provider briefing conferences (pre-tender conferences). They assist simplify the tender and respond to any bidders questions.

Initial Assessment

The tender panel markings each bid contrary to the agreed assessment matrix. This leads to a league dining dining table regarding the highest and cheapest bidders scores.

Tender Short-list

The assessment is employed to pick a short-list of prospective vendors. The sheer number of bidders in a short-list shall rely on the type associated with the contract. As an example, a framework contract has suppliers that are several. Another tender may have only one winner.

Presentations, Interviews & Visits

Short-listed bidders are occasionally susceptible to evaluation that is further. This could be a tender short-list presentation or a question and solution session. And perhaps a trip to suppliers premises and/or fulfilling a number of their clients.

Once more, the tender panel shall evaluate this against their pre-determined assessment criteria.


Long lasting tender procurement procedure, the tender panel will get to its scores that are final. They are used to choose the very best performers and award contract(s).


The restriction of tender negotiations be determined by the type of every specific tender procurement procedure. a formal tender may maybe perhaps maybe not provide any range for settlement.

Others enables negotiations that are small. This could easily add:

  • Some facets of cost ( ag e.g. extra products)
  • Contract wording and specification (age.g. items which dont affect the general solution)

Its not likely that you will see window of opportunity for any negotiation that is major. Not in the price that is overall.

TIP: make sure do you know what is negotiable before finalising your tender distribution. constantly ask Tender Clarification Questions. Or else you will find your self in a gluey situation!

Contract Award

As soon as every thing into the tender procurement process is finalised, contract(s) are granted.

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High-value EU tenders have actually the absolute minimum 10-day standstill period (Alcatel). That is to permit unsuccessful bidders to challenge the tender procurement procedure it was flawed if they feel. Agreements are never be released until it has been finished.

Unsuccessful bidders need to have a possiblity to get feedback on tenders. This can help to achieve a far better understanding on the best way to enhance bids that are future.

If you prefer assistance with the tendering procedure, call us for a friendly conversation about our tender writing and training solutions.

May be the Tendering Process Constantly the Same?

The personal sector can run things while they want. And that means you find a variety that is wide of and operations.

Public sector is at the mercy of laws. Therefore, all of them proceed with the exact same procedure. However, tenders won’t be the same. This content of tenders can differ greatly. The cost / quality criteria ( ag e.g. 70/30 or 60/40 split) may vary commonly.

Moreover, you will see that various authorities can just take various methods to questions expected and their marking. Often tenders have actually clumsy mistakes e.g. Questions obviously pasted and copied from another non-related ITT. Other factors include briefing conferences and interviews presentations that are.

Therefore you shall discover that tenders do vary.

However, your way of answering tenders continues to be the exact same. Treat every one separately. You shall find some commonality. Therefore, do build a file up of good responses and re-use and individualise them because appropriate. But avoid templates.

And do stick to the basic instructions and tips shown in Bid Management.

Tender Procurement Process Overview

Knowing the tender procurement procedure will help you enhance your tender success. Once you understand who’s included and what’s being scored aids better bid writing.

Additionally, understanding timescales in addition to stages of tendering helps better preparation.

You might additionally find these useful in comprehending the tender procurement procedure:

The UK tendering process is constantly evolving. Particularly in the general public sector. Please do add your thinking and feedback below to aid enhance this and also make it a far more useful resource.